Sodium sulfate
Transfer about 1 g of Dental-Type Silica, accurately weighed, to a platinum dish, wet with a few drops of water, add 15 mL of perchloric acid, and place the dish on a hot plate. Add 10 mL of hydrofluoric acid. Heat until copious fumes are evolved. Add 5 mL of hydrofluoric acid, and again heat to copious fumes. Add about 5 mL of boric acid solution (1 in 25), and heat to fumes. Cool, and transfer the residue to a 400-mL beaker with the aid of 10 mL of hydrochloric acid. Adjust the volume with water to about 300 mL, and bring to boiling on a hot plate. Add 20 mL of hot barium chloride TS. Keep the beaker on the hot plate for 2 hours, maintaining the volume above 200 mL. After cooling, transfer the precipitate and solution to a dried, tared 0.8-µm porosity filter crucible. Wash the filter and precipitate 8 times with hot water, dry the crucible at 105

for 1 hour, and weigh. The weight, multiplied by 0.6085, is the
Sodium sulfate content of the amount of specimen taken. Not more than 4.0% is found.