Assay for sodium chloride
Transfer 20.0 mL of the solution prepared for the
Assay for dextrose to a 100-mL volumetric flask, dilute with water to volume, mix, and proceed as directed in the
Assay under
Sodium Chloride Tablets, beginning with Pipet a volume of the solution.
Assay for dextrose
Dissolve not fewer than 10 Tablets, containing from 2 to 5 g of dextrose, in about 75 mL of water in a 100-mL volumetric flask, add several drops of 6 N ammonium hydroxide, dilute with water to volume, and mix. After 30 minutes, pass through a dry filter, and determine the angular rotation in a suitable polarimeter tube (see
Optical Rotation
), retaining the excess of the solution for the
Assay for sodium chloride. Calculate the percentage (g per 100 mL) of dextrose (C
2O) in the portion of Injection taken by the formula:
in which 100 is the percentage; 52.9 is the midpoint of the specific rotation range for anhydrous dextrose, in degrees; 198.17 and 180.16 are the molecular weights for dextrose monohydrate and anhydrous dextrose, respectively;
A is 100 mm divided by the length of the polarimeter tube, in mm; and
R is the observed rotation, in degrees.