Packaging and storage
Preserve in tight containers.
To 5 mL of a solution (1 in 20) add 5 mL of
sodium hydroxide TS. Boil for a few minutes, cool, and acidify with 3 N hydrochloric acid: the solution is strongly opalescent.
To 2 mL of a solution (1 in 20) add 0.5 mL of bromine TS, dropwise: the bromine is decolorized.
A mixture of 60 volumes of it and 40 volumes of water yields a gelatinous mass at normal and lower than normal room temperatures.
between 300 and 500 centistokes when determined at 25

Acid value
Weigh 10.0 g into a wide-mouth, 250-mL conical flask, and add 50 mL of neutralized alcohol. Heat on a steam bath nearly to boiling, shaking thoroughly occasionally while heating. Invert a beaker over the mouth of the flask, cool under running water, add 5 drops of phenolphthalein TS, and titrate with 0.1 N sodium hydroxide VS: not more than 4 mL of 0.100 N sodium hydroxide is required, corresponding to an acid value of 2.2.