Packaging and storage
Preserve in pressurized containers, and avoid exposure to excessive heat.
Collect in a suitable container the expelled contents of 1 Aerosol container, shake with a volume of 0.1 N hydrochloric acid sufficient to obtain a solution containing about 500 USP Bacitracin Units per mL, centrifuge, and use the clear supernatant as the test solution. Proceed as directed under
Thin-Layer Chromatographic Identification Test
. The specified result is observed.
Microbial limits
Collect aseptically in a suitable container half the contents expelled from 5 containers, dissolve in 500 mL of
Fluid A containing 0.25 g of sodium thioglycollate and adjusted with sodium hydroxide to a pH of 6.6 ± 0.6, pass through a membrane filter as directed for
Membrane Filtration under
Test for Sterility of the Product to be Examined under
Sterility Tests
, except to place the filter on the surface of SoybeanCasein Digest Agar Medium in a Petri dish, incubate for 7 days at 30

to 35

, and count the number of colonies on the filter. Similarly prepare a second specimen, except to incubate at 20

to 25

. Not more than 20 colonies are observed from the two specimens. It meets also the requirements of the tests for absence of
Staphylococcus aureus and
Pseudomonas aeruginosa under
Microbial Limit Tests
Water, Method I
Store 1 container of Topical Aerosol in a freezer for not less than 2 hours, open the container, and transfer 10.0 mL of the freshly mixed specimen to a titration vessel containing 20 mL of a mixture of toluene and methanol (7:3) instead of methanol. In titrating the specimen, determine the endpoint at a temperature of 10

or higher: not more than 0.5% of water is found.
Assay for polymyxin B
Proceed as directed for polymyxin B under
AntibioticsMicrobial Assays
, expelling the entire contents of 1 container of Topical Aerosol, according to the directions in the labeling, into a 2000-mL conical flask held in a horizontal position. Add 500.0 mL of 0.01 N hydrochloric acid, and shake to dissolve. Immediately dilute an accurately measured volume of this acidic solution quantitatively and stepwise with
Buffer No. 6 to obtain a
Test Dilution having a concentration of polymyxin B assumed to be equal to the median dose level of the Standard.
Assay for bacitracin
Proceed as directed for bacitracin under
AntibioticsMicrobial Assays
, using an accurately measured volume of the acidic solution obtained in the
Assay for polymyxin B immediately diluted quantitatively and stepwise with
Buffer No. 1 to yield a
Test Dilution having a bacitracin concentration assumed to be equal to the median dose level of the Standard.
[NOTEAdd additional hydrochloric acid to each test dilution of the Standard to obtain the same concentration of hydrochloric acid as in the
Test Dilution.
Auxiliary Information
Staff Liaison :
Brian D. Gilbert, Ph.D., Scientist
Expert Committee : (MDANT05) Monograph Development-Antibiotics
USP29NF24 Page 1752
Pharmacopeial Forum : Volume No. 28(4) Page 1185
Phone Number : 1-301-816-8223