Melt about 10 g on a steam bath, and pour 5 mL of the liquid into a clear-glass, 16- × 150-mm bacteriological test tube: the warm, melted liquid is not darker than a solution made by mixing 1.6 mL of ferric chloride CS and 3.4 mL of water in a similar tube, the comparison of the two being made in reflected light against a white background, the tubes being held directly against the background at such an angle that there is no fluorescence.
Residue on ignition
Heat 2 g in an open porcelain or platinum dish over a flame: it volatilizes without emitting an acrid odor and on ignition yields not more than 0.05% of residue.
Other requirements
It meets the requirements for
Packaging and storage,
Specific gravity,
Melting range,
Organic acids, and
Fixed oils, fats, and rosin under