Packaging and storage
Preserve in well-closed containers that are adequately shielded.
Label the Capsules to include the following: the name of the Capsules; the name, address, and batch or lot number of the manufacturer; the time and date of calibration; the amount of 123I as iodide expressed in megabecquerels (microcuries or millicuries) per Capsule at the time of calibration; the name and quantity of any added preservative or stabilizer; a statement indicating that the Capsules are for oral use only; the expiration date and time; and the statement CautionRadioactive Material. The labeling indicates that in making dosage calculations, correction is to be made for radioactive decay, and also indicates that the radioactive half-life of 123I is 13.2 hours.
Uniformity of dosage units
meet the requirements.
Procedure for content uniformity
Determine the instrument response of each of 20 Capsules by measurement in a suitable counting assembly and under identical geometric conditions. Calculate the mean radioactivity value per Capsule: the requirements of the test are met if not less than 19 of the Capsules are within the limits of 96.5% and 103.5% of the mean radioactivity value.